Safe animal live-capture equipment for Conservation, Research & Rescue
WildlifeCapture.com is an online resource and marketplace for the entire animal handling community. We design, assemble and sell products for animal live-capture direct.
Our products focus on animal-live-capture through physical restraint using nets. When a proper net is applied, animals can be captured and restrained without sedation. We have a broad selection of mesh sizes and materials to build a proper net for any situation.
AND we have the means of applying that net to your intended quarry!
We have been outfitting the wildlife profession with quality animal capture products since 2000. We offer a comprehensive collection of effective tools for safe and humane live-capture – from big game research to nuisance control – and all that without the use of chemical immobilization drugs.
Products and equipment created by Wildlife Capture Services, LLC are proven to work on a broad variety of wild and domestic-feral species. We have designed and tested each product to perform to our exceedingly-high expectations under the toughest field conditions.
Because one capture tool will not be ideal in every situation, our products are engineered for specific applications. Project goals, species, habits & habitat all factor in to selecting the proper tool for your management objective. Custom fabrication of wildlife capture equipment is available.
These designs are based on first-hand field work, where reliability is the main concern. There are several techniques for placing a net on an uncooperative animal. We offer a variety of methods, as there are advantages to each technique.
Drop Nets
Net Launchers
Animal Traps
Just like the variety in net sizes, the method of delivery can vary as well. Whether you fire the net or simply drop it, getting a net over an animal’s head can be tricky.
Cheap equipment usually doesn’t work in this business. We keep costs down whenever possible, but we build quality and we want it to last! This equipment is designed to be used regularly, and in harsh field conditions.
If you ever have any questions or problems with our equipment, we’re here to help. Everything we sell is guaranteed to perform or we’ll make it right.
Celebrating 20 years of business in 2020!
Setting up a DROP NET over a known feeding site is perhaps the most effective method of live capturing the wariest animals. Dropping a net on an animal requires that the net be prepositioned and adequately supported prior to being released on command. Our drop net systems are designed to operate SILENTLY which greatly increases their effectiveness and allows you to catch more animals in a smaller, more portable system.
Firing mechanisms can be used to make a net more portable. Our HAND-HELD NET LAUNCHERS offer the utmost mobility and should be used when on the go!
We also have a hybrid device for netting animals, the SUSPENDED NET LAUNCHER. This design may be the perfect combination of size and portability. This design puts your net in the ideal location, straight above the target, firing downward. This is a highly effective tool that is relatively new to the live capture industry. On command, the net is fired down from directly overhead – i.e. it is fast & portable!
Deer-Elk-Sheep-Dogs-Pigeons-Cats-Turkey-Livestock the list goes on and on.
ALL have been safely captured in our nets!
Consultations are available. Would you like to discuss these options and see which is best for your project? Or, just need a quote for your financial oversight committee? We’re here to help! Call us today and we will be happy to answer all of your questions.