USDA/APHIS/Wildlife Services – Finally got out to test fire the (suspended) launcher with the new blanks. They worked great... The net worked great, fully deploying each time. At 8 feet it worked perfect. These rounds definitely work better. -Walter Cotton, Supervisory Wildlife Biologist
Valles Caldera Trust – Had a successful turkey capture this morning. The gun worked beautifully. Thanks for your help. -William j. Meyer
Utah goats headed for Idaho – Tyler- don’t know if you heard but this morning they are saying that moving 43 goats is the largest mountain goat capture EVER and are claiming it was near miraculous to have no mortalities. I am so proud to have been involved in the effort and just wanted to thank you and your crew for the work you did. It was fantastic teamwork with all involved and I just can’t think of any way it could have gone better. -Teresa Bonzo UT, Division of Wildlife Resources
WCAX-TV CHANNEL 3 NEWS, VERMONT'S OWN – SPCA discusses capture of "Golden Ghost," dog missing since May 2004 STRATHAM, N.H. New Hampshire SPCA officials are discussing the capture of Sam the Golden retriever, who survived in the outdoors for two years after running away from home.
Sam earned the nickname the "Golden Ghost" because he eluded so many attempts to bring him in from the wild. He ran away from owner Dennis Sklarksi in Candia in May 2004 after a scare.
Today, SPCA officials will talk about the high-tech net system (WCS drop-net) they used to capture Sam in Raymond, as well as the steps they are taking to help him readjust to domestic life.
During his time away, Sam survived two New Hampshire winters, deer hunting season and being hit by a car. He also evaded tranquilizers and other traps put out to catch him.
Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (BAKER CITY) – State and federal wildlife biologists collared and released 14 Rocky Mountain goats in the Elkhorn Mountains last week and relocated another five goats to the Wenaha-Tucannon Wilderness in the Umatilla National Forest.
Rocky Mountain goats are attracted to salt during the spring and summer, so the goats were trapped using a drop net (WCS) baited with salt. To protect and monitor the goats’ health, biologists and veterinary staff obtained blood samples from and administered inoculations to the animals.
Rocky Mountain goats were likely extirpated from Oregon prior to or during European settlement in the late 19th century. The rarest game animal actually hunted in the state today, only eight tags are available for the 2008-09 season, including two for the Elkhorn population. A third Elkhorn goat tag may be available next year.
The present state-wide Rocky Mountain goat population is estimated to be 600-700, the result of efforts like the one that occurred this week. The Elkhorn Mountains wild goat population is estimated to be over 200.
This year’s project was the 16th since efforts to reintroduce Rocky Mountain goats to Oregon began in 1950. That year, five goats were transported from Chopaka Mountain in northern Washington to the Wallowa Mountains by the Oregon State Game Commission (now the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife).
Michael McCann, Drop Net Customer – Well Tyler, after two years running loose, we finally captured Rita, the greyhound. We used your system, and it worked perfectly. Thank you for getting it to us so fast.